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Management Liability insurance is specifically for private companies and covers claims of wrongful management, employment practices breaches (wrongful dismissal or discrimination actions), crime (theft by employees or third parties), tax audit and statutory fines and penalties.
There are approx. 2.3 million active businesses in Australia and 97% are employing less than 19 people on current estimates. Management Liability insurance is designed specifically for these businesses.
There are approx. 2.3 million active businesses in Australia and 97% are employing less than 19 people on current estimates. Management Liability insurance is designed specifically for these businesses.
What does this cover include?
A claims-made combined policy wording with the following insuring clauses:
- Management Liability
- Company Liability
- Company Employment Practices Liability
- Crime
- Superannuation Trustees Liability
Key Benefits
- Ability to package with other products
- Five coverage sections with separate limits
- Individual quotes or scheme solutions
- Limits up to $10,000,000
- A wide range of automatic and optional extensions available
Preferred Industries
- Accountants
- Allied Health
- Cafes
- Engineers
- Hospitality generally
- Information Technology
- Professional Services
- Real Estate Agents
- Retail
- Restaurants
- Services
- Tourism
Automatic Extensions
- Management Liability Extensions
- Additional Excess Limit for Non-Indemnifiable Loss
- Civil or Bail Bond Expenses
- Cyber Privacy and Confidentiality
- Deprivation of Assets Expenses
- Environmental Reporting Breach
- Extradition Costs
- Internet Liability Breach
- Inquiries
- Outside Directorship
- Prosecution Costs
- Reinstatement of Limit of Liability
- Retired Insured
- Company Liability Extensions
- Breach of Contract
- Crisis Costs
- Identity Fraud Costs
- Inquiries
- Kidnap and Extortion
- Occupational Health and Safety Costs and Expenses
- Pollution Costs and Expenses
- Reinstatement of Limit of Liability
- Statutory Liability – Company Liability
- Taxation Audit Costs
- Company Employment Practices
- Liability Extensions
- Inquiries
- Reinstatement of Limit of Liability
- Third Party Liability
- Crime Extensions
- Investigative Fees
- Legal Fees
- Reinstatement Limit of Liability
- Superannuation Trustees Liability Extensions
- Inquiries
- Loss of Documents
- Reinstatement of the Limit of Liability
- Extensions Applicable to all Covers other than Crime
- Advancement of Costs and Expenses
- Compensation for Court Attendance
- Continuous Cover
- Discovery Period
- Emergency Costs
- Free Legal Consultation
- Public Relations Expenses
- Newly Acquired Subsidiary
- Run-Off Cover for Former Subsidiaries
- Run-Off Cover if the Insured Ceases to Exist or Operate
- Takeovers and Mergers Run Off