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Information Technology Professional Indemnity insurance covers claims against an insured which result from an alleged breach of professional duty owed to a third party in the provision of information technology services.
Information Technology General Liability insurance covers claims against an insured for personal injury or property damage that occur in connection with the provision of information technology services.
Information Technology General Liability insurance covers claims against an insured for personal injury or property damage that occur in connection with the provision of information technology services.
What does this cover include?
A tailored claims-made Civil Liability Professional Indemnity policy wording and a tailored occurrence based Public and Products Liability policy wording.
Key Benefits
- Limits up to $10,000,000
- A wide range of automatic and optional extensions available
Preferred Occupations
- Consultants
- Data Services Providers
- Designers
- Developers
- Distributors
- Manufacturers
- Project Managers
- Suppliers
- Website Hosting
Automatic Extensions
- Professional Liability Insurance Automatic Extensions
- Advancement of Costs and Expenses
- Compensation for Court Attendance
- Competition and Consumer Act
- Confidentiality and Privacy
- Continuous Cover
- Contractual Liability
- Costs and Expenses in Addition
- Defamation, Libel and Slander
- Dishonesty
- Extended Reporting Period
- Free Legal Consultation
- Inquiries
- Intellectual Property
- Joint Ventures
- Liability for Acts, Errors or Omissions of Contractors, Consultants and Agents
- Liquidated Damages
- Loss of Documents
- Mitigation of Loss
- Newly Acquired Subsidiary
- Public Relations Expenses
- Reinstatement of the Limit of Liability
- Run-Off Cover if the Insured Ceases to Exist or Operate
- Sixty Day Reporting Period
- Spousal Liability
- Statutory Liability
- General Liability Insurance Automatic Extensions
- Advertising Liability
- Costs and Expenses in Addition
- Cross Liabilities
- Free Legal Consultation
- Indemnity to Others
- Liability for Conduct of Contractors, Consultants or Agents
- Products Clarification
- Property in Care, Custody or Control Extension
- Trade Fairs, Shows and Markets


Information Technology Professional Indemnity Wording - Please contact Keystone for a copy of the latest Wording.