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Allied Health insurance covers claims against an insured which result from an alleged breach of professional duty for healthcare services owed to a third party.
What does this cover include?
A combined claims-made Civil Liability Professional Indemnity and Public and Products Liability wording.
Key Benefits
- Ability to package with other products
- Individual quotes or scheme solutions
- Limits up to $20,000,000
- A wide range of automatic and optional extensions available
Automatic Extensions
- Advancement of Costs and Expenses
- Compensation for Court Attendance
- Competition and Consumer Act
- Confidentiality and Privacy
- Continuous Cover
- Contractual Liability
- Defamation, Libel and Slander
- Dishonesty
- Free Legal Consultation
- Inquiries
- Intellectual Property
- Internet Services
- Joint Ventures
- Liability for Acts, Errors or Omissions of Contractors, Consultants, Agents and Locums
- Liquidated Damages
- Loss of Documents
- Newly Acquired Subsidiary
- Principals’ Prior Business
- Public Relations Expenses
- Reinstatement of the Limit of Liability
- Run-Off Cover if the Insured Ceases to Exist or Operate
- Sixty Day Reporting Period
- Spousal Liability
- Statutory Liability
- Trade Fairs, Shows and Markets
- Unlimited Run-Off Cover
- Vicarious Liability for Employed or Contracted Doctors
Preferred Occupations
- Access Consciousness
- Actively Ageing Practitioner
- Acupoint Therapy
- Acupuncture
- Ageless Grace
- Ai Chi
- Alexander Technique
- Alkaline Hair Removal
- Allergy Testing
- Alpha Hydroxy Acids
- Animal Assisted Therapy
- Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Applied Kinesiology
- Aqua Aerobics
- Aquatic Resistance Training
- Aromatherapy
- Aromatic Medicine
- Art Therapy
- Australian Bush Flowers Therapy
- Aviva Method
- Bach Flower Remedies
- Bai Shi
- Balance Awareness Training
- Barre
- Booty Barre
- Bowen Therapy
- Brain Gym
- Brandon Raynor
- Breast Feeding Consultant
- Breath Enhancement Training
- Ceya
- Chakra Balancing
- Chakradance
- Chi Ball
- Chi Gong
- Chi Nei Tsang
- Chi Running Technique
- Chi Walking
- Chinese Herbal Medicine
- Coaching
- Colon Hydrotherapy
- Colonic Irrigation
- Counselling
- Creative Dance
- Creative Visualisation
- Crystal Therapy
- Dance Therapy
- Dermarolling
- Developmental Educators
- Diabetes Educator
- Diagnostic Sleep Study
- Diathermy
- Dietitian
- Disability Support Worker
- Drama Therapy
- Ear Candling
- Energy Movement/Healing
- Ergonomic Assessment
- Family Dispute Resolution
- Feldenkrais
- Feng Shui
- First Aid Training
- Flower Essences
- Flower Remedies
- Focusing
- Food Coaching
- Halo Therapy
- Heal Your Life
- Healing Energy
- Healing Touch
- Health Coach
- Health Screening
- Herbal Medicine
- Herbalism
- Home Nursing Carer/Services
- Homeopathy
- Joint Mobilisation
- Journey Therapy
- Juice Therapy
- Jungian Analysis
- Jungle Body Instruction
- Kindergetics
- Kinesiology
- Lactation Consultant
- Lamprobe Treatment
- Laser Acupuncture
- Laughter Therapy
- Learning Disabilities Consultant
- Life Alignment
- Life Coaching
- Lymphatic Drainage
- Magnetic Therapy
- Manual Lymphatic Drainage
- Marriage Consultants
- Massage
- Meditation
- Mental Health Skills Trainer
- Mind-Body Medicine
- Movement Meditation
- Musculoskeletal Therapy
- Music Therapy
- Nordic Walking
- Nutri-Energetics Systems
- Nutrigenomics
- Nutritionists
- Occupational Therapist
- Oneness Blessing
- Onsen Technique
- Ontological Coaching
- Oriental Health Services
- Patient Advocate
- Personal Development Teacher
- Pilates
- Play Therapy
- Prime Tuning
- Prosthetic Fitting
- Quit Cigarettes Coach
- Radial Shockwave Therapy
- Rainbow Spirit Healing
- Rainbow Therapy
- Recreation Therapy
- Red Vein Treatment
- Reflexology
- Rehabilitation Counsellors
- Reiki
- Respite Carer
- Reverse Therapy
- Rolfing
- Safety and Ergonomics
- Saliva Analysis
- Salt Therapy
- Sandplay Therapy
- Self Development Coaching
- Shamanic Healing
- Shiatsu
- Sleep Apnoea Therapy
- Sleep Therapist
- Soul Care
- Sound Healer
- Sound Therapy
- Spa Clay Therapy
- Space Clearing
- Speech Therapy
- Spiritual Direction
- Stillness Healing
- Stretching
- Structural Integration
- Sugaring
- Tai Chi
- Therapeutic Massage
- Thermography
- Thermotherapy
- Theta Healing
- Thought Field Therapy
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Tui Na
- Urine Analysis
- Voice Dialogue
- Watsu
- Wellness Coaching
- Western Herbalist
- Writing Therapist
- Yamuna Body Rolling
- Yoga
- Zen Shiatsu Therapy