Allied Health

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Allied Health insurance covers claims against an insured which result from an alleged breach of professional duty for healthcare services owed to a third party.

A combined claims-made Civil Liability Professional Indemnity and Public and Products Liability wording.
  • Ability to package with other products
  • Individual quotes or scheme solutions
  • Limits up to $20,000,000
  • A wide range of automatic and optional extensions available

John King


0422 291 996

Jon Willmott


0400 105 655

Kaleb Forster


0412 934 100

Ben Gray


0410 928 440

Charlotte Cunliffe

Underwriter / Underwriting Services – Team Leader

0437 199 909

Kelly Ross-Howard


0435 719 633

Emma Garland

Underwriting and Claims Assistant

0434 744 843

Georgia Brown

Administration Assistant

0484 350 466

Allied Health Wording - Please contact Keystone for a copy of the latest Wording.

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