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Property insurance can cover:
- Property Damage - accidental loss or damage to stock and or contents (such as fire, storm or malicious damage);
- Theft - of stock or contents;
- Money - loss or damage of money (such as theft or fire);
- Glass - accidental or malicious breakage;
- General Property - accidental loss or damage of portable or valuable items occurring away from the situation address.
Key Benefits
- Ability to package with other products
- Individual quotes or scheme solutions
- Limits up to $500,000 for Property Damage
- Limits up to $50,000 for Theft
- A wide range of automatic and optional extensions available
Automatic Extensions
- Property Damage Extensions and Benefits
- Capital Additions
- Directors and Employees Tools-of-Trade and Personal Effects
- Discharge of Mortgages
- Fire Brigade Attendance Fees
- Government Fees
- Limited Transit Cover
- Prevention of Imminent Damage
- Removal and Disposal of Trees and Branches
- Removal of Debris
- Rewriting of Records
- Seasonal Increase Period
- Taking Inventory
- Taxation Audit Costs
- Temporary Removal of Stock and Contents
- Trace and Access
- Theft Extensions and Benefits
- Damage to Rented Premises
- Directors and Employees Tools-of-Trade and Personal Effects
- Employee Dishonesty
- Funeral Expenses
- Illegal Use of Corporate Financial Transaction Card
- Illegal Electronic Funds Transfer
- Replacement of Locks and Keys
- Rewriting of Records
- Seasonal Increase Period
- Temporary Cover for New Premises
- Temporary Protection and Security Guards
- Temporary Removal
- Theft of External Property
- Theft Without Forcible and Violent Entry (not Property in Open Ait)
- Theft of Property Insured in the Open Air
- Money Extensions and Benefits
- Bank and Public Holidays Additional Benefit
- Counterfeit Currency
- Directors and Employees Tools-of-Trade and Personal Effects
- Employee Dishonesty
- Funeral Expenses
- Loss of or Damage to Safes, Strongrooms and Cash Carrying Bags
- Reinstatement of Sum Insured
- Replacement of Locks and Keys
- Seasonal Increase Period
- Temporary Cover for New Premises
- Temporary Protection and Security Guards
- Traveller’s Money
- Glass Extensions and Benefits
- Costs
- Destruction of Stock or Contents
- Malicious Damage
- Overtime
- Signs
- General Property Extensions and Benefits
- Theft of Other Equipment
- Reinstatement